Linterview’s Mission
Linterview’s Mission
I am a self-published author of three books, Making Headlines, How I Learnt to Stop Missing England and Love the Herring or A Decade in Sweden, and Let Go. I am also one of the writers in the Keyhole Stories project, which has launched two anthologies Keyhole Stories and Dead Ends. I have also released Think Inside the Box, a collection of short stories written for creative writing class assignments. My short story Untouchable was published in Two Thirds North 2017 and my poem Typewriter was published in Aesthetica Magazine’s Creative Writing Annual 2018. There are many good websites that offer advice to authors and I do not want to repeat information or claim that my advice is any better than what is currently out there. What I intend to do is to relay my writing processes, describe in detail what it has taken me to write my stories, and some advice on how to get your work out there. I am not claiming to be a best-selling author (I wish!) and I am not claiming to be better or know more than anyone else. My blogs will simply reflect my experiences, and if this information helps other authors out there then that’s great. If it doesn’t help then I can only apologise and suggest you find other methods that work for you.